BSNL Karnataka: Roaming STV's and SMS STV activation Keywords for prepaid 2G/3G Connection.

BSNL Karnataka: Roaming STV's and SMS STV activation Keywords for prepaid 2G/3G Connection.

List Of BSNL Roaming  STVs with  SMS Keywords for Self Activation of Roaming  STVs through SMS activation method by sending SMS key Word to Short Code 123 (Old Short code 53733 is now replaced with 123).

BSNL Roaming STVs
1Rs.5Roaming Incoming Free, Roaming Outgoing 1.5 ps/sec (Local & STD) 1 DaySTV ROAM5
2Rs.33Roaming Incoming Free, Roaming Outgoing 1.5 ps/sec (Local & STD) 7 DaysSTV ROAM33
3Rs.69Roaming Incoming Free, Roaming Outgoing 1.5 ps/sec (Local & STD) 30 DaysSTV ROAM69
4Rs.91Roaming Incoming Free, Roaming Outgoing 1.5 ps/sec (Local & STD) 90 DaysSTV ROAM91

BSNL Karnataka : SMS STVs and SMS STV activation Keywords for prepaid 2G/3G Connection.

BSNL Karnataka : SMS STVs and SMS STV activation Keywords for prepaid 2G/3G Connection.
List Of BSNL SMS STVs with  SMS Keywords for Self Activation of SMS STVs through SMS activation method by sending SMS key Word to Short Code 123 (Old Short code 53733 is now replaced with 123 ).

BSNL SMS STVs and Keywords
1Rs.13130 SMS (Local/National Any-Net) 7DaysSTV SMS13
2Rs.20265 SMS (Local/National Any-Net) 15DaysSTV SMS20
3Rs.34385 SMS (Local/National Any-Net) 30DaysSTV SMS34
4Rs.53860 SMS (Local/National Any-Net) 30DaysSTV SMS53
5Rs.54Local/National (On-Net 100 SMS per day free & Off-Net SMS 12ps/SMS ) 30DaysSTV SMS54
6Rs.831650 SMS (Local/National Any-Net)30DaysSTV SMS83
7Rs.1473000 SMS (Local/National Any-Net) 60DaysSTV SMS147

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BSNL Karnataka ISD STVs for Prepaid 2G/3G Users and SMS KeyWords

BSNL Karnataka ISD STVs for Prepaid 2G/3G Users and SMS KeyWords.

 List Of BSNL ISD STVs with  SMS Keywords for Self Activation of ISD STVs through SMS activation method by sending SMS key Word to Short Code 123 (Old Short code 53733 is now replaced with 123).
1Rs.18NEPAL (Voice Call Rs 6.50/ Min)30 DaysSTV ISD18ISD18
2Rs.22AUSTRALIA, BAHRAIN,INDONESIA,KUWAIT (Voice Call- Rs 6.49/ Min, SMS -Rs 3.00)30 DaysSTV ISD22ISD22
3Rs.27BANGLADESH,MALAYSIA,HONG KONG, THAILAND (Voice Call- Rs 2.99/ Min, SMS- Rs 3.00)30 DaysSTV ISD27ISD27
4Rs.38FRANCE, GERMANY, UK (Not all levels. 4470,4474 to4479,4484 and 4487 are exempted) (Voice Call-Rs 4.49/ Min, SMS - Rs 3.00)30 DaysSTV ISD38ISD38
5Rs.43CANADA,CHINA,SINGAPORE,USA (Voice Rs 1.49/ Min, SMS Rs 3.00)30 DaysSTV ISD43ISD43

BSNL Karnataka 2G/3G Prepaid DATA STVs : SMS Keywords for Activation and validity Extension,

BSNL Karnataka 2G/3G Prepaid DATA STVs : SMS Keywords for  Activation and validity Extension.
 List Of BSNL Data STVs with  SMS Keywords for Self Activation of Data Plans through SMS activation method by sending SMS key Word to Short Code 123 (Old Short code   53733is now replaced with 123).

BSNL 2G/3G Prepaid DATA STVs
1Rs.1790 MB 2 DaysSTV DATA17DATA17
2Rs.39200 MB6 DaysSTV DATA39DATA39
3Rs.73200 MB21 DaysNot AvailableNot Available
4Rs.78450 MB12 DaysSTV DATA78DATA78
5Rs.98650 MB17 DaysSTV DATA98DATA98
6Rs.105300 MB30 DaysNot AvailableNot Available
7Rs.1391 GB 20 DaysSTV DATA139DATA139
8Rs.1551 GB 28 DaysSTV DATA155DATA155
9Rs.1761 GB 30 DaysSTV DATA176DATA176
10Rs.2512 GB 30 DaysSTV DATA251DATA251
11Rs.2992 GB + Rs 100 Talk Value on Main Account Balance30 DaysNot AvailableNot Available
12Rs.4444444 MB+ 444 Min Loc/STD Voice call (222 Min on-net+222 Min off-net)30 DaysNot AvailableNot Available
13Rs.4493.5 GB75 DaysSTV DATA449DATA449
14Rs.5615 GB 60 DaysSTV DATA561DATA561
15Rs.6666666 MB+ 444 Min Loc/STD Voice call (333 Min on-net+333 Min off-net)30 DaysNot AvailableNot Available
16Rs.8217 GB90 DaysSTV DATA821DATA821
17Rs.101110 GB90 DaysSTV DATA1011DATA1011
18Rs.194920 GB90 DaysSTV DATA1949DATA1949

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